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Let’s move and play every day!

Whilst you are at home , it is important for you and your family to keep moving as best you can. This is because moving and playing helps people to be healthy, happy and sleep better. We know it can be difficult to think of things to do whilst being at home all day – so we want to help!

Join Us: Move. Play with these fun, simple indoor activities to keep your children entertained. Keep having fun with #JUMPAtHome

Lava Leap

Can you jump over the lava to the safe rocks?

  • Suitable for:
    All ages
  • Takes:
    20-30 minutes

Sofa jumping

Can you jump the highest?

  • Suitable for:
    All ages
  • Takes:
    20-30 minutes

The Floor is Lava

Use your imagination to pretend that the floor is red hot lava!

  • Suitable for:
    All ages
  • Takes:
    20-30 minutes
"The JU:MP@Home activity calendar gave us some great ideas and we picked most of them together as it was always just both myself and my daughter playing together during lockdown." Parent, Bradford

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03 July 2024

JUMP Community Grants Fund Now Open

The JUMP Community Grants Fund is now open to voluntary, community, faith and enterprise sector organisations to support the delivery and development of strength-based projects and initiatives across Bradford District, but with a particular focus on Keighley, Great Horton, Bradford…

08 May 2024

JU:MP Outdoors – Get involved in our latest campaign

Join Us Move Play are pleased to announce the return of JU:MP Outdoors. JU:MP Outdoors is a campaign which specifically seeks to encourage outdoor play, no matter the weather! It is more important than ever, to help support and encourage…

13 December 2023

Poems to get you moving!

A group of fantastic girls have been on a super cool mission for over a year. They teamed up with the JU:MP team to help us figure out how to get children and families in Bradford active! These girls aren’t…