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Campaigns and resources for families


The first FREE physical activity App of it’s kind, where young people and families can immerse themselves in the animated city of Bradford. The aim? To get up, get out and get happy!

Let’s move more and feel better!

Our JU:MP campaigns are at the heart of what we do to support children, young people and their family members to be a part of our JU:MP family, to enjoy the benefits that movement and play brings.

From JU:MP@Home to JU:MP Outdoors, we are here to support the whole Bradford community to be healthy, confident, empowered and valued members of society.

Why do we do what we do? Movement and play doesn’t only improve everyones physical health, but also their emotional wellbeing. It is more important than ever, to help support and encourage our Bradford families and children and young people to Move and Play more!


Feel good and move more everyday!


The first FREE physical activity App of it’s kind, where young people and families can immerse themselves in the animated city of Bradford. The aim? To get up, get out and get happy!

Get up, get out, get happy!

Screen off, Life on!

A public resource, created with Bradford families to support everyone to swap some time on screen, for activities off screen. The aim? To feel good and move more!

Screen Off Life On
Let's bring back outdoor play!

JU:MP Outdoors

JU:MP teamed up with families in Bradford for Outdoor Classroom Day, to  launch this winter campaign, to promote positive experiences of families playing outdoors, whatever the weather. Families also created their own video ‘Bring back outdoor play’ – to call on the Bradford community to help children and their families recover from the stress of lockdown and a year of Covid upheaval.

JU:MP Outdoors
Let’s move and play every day!


During lockdown, JU:MP launched JU:MP@Home, a much-needed solution for children and young people spending a lot of time at home, due to government guidelines. Families can adapt the games for children of different ages and abilities too and the team hope playing them will create some great memories of this time spent at home together.

JU:MP @ Home

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03 July 2024

JUMP Community Grants Fund Now Open

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08 May 2024

JU:MP Outdoors – Get involved in our latest campaign

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13 December 2023

Poems to get you moving!

A group of fantastic girls have been on a super cool mission for over a year. They teamed up with the JU:MP team to help us figure out how to get children and families in Bradford active! These girls aren’t…