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About JU:MP

The JU:MP Vision

A happy and healthy North Bradford where children, young people and families choose to move and play more!

What is JU:MP?


JU:MP is a 4 year pilot programme, funded by Sport England, that aims to help children and families in North Bradford to move and play more, testing and learning as we grow together.

We believe that all children, young people and their family members should have the opportunity to be a part of the JU:MP family, to enjoy the benefits that movement and play brings.

From chatting with children and their parents, we know they want to get out and have fun, but can struggle to know how or where. We’re here to change this. It is JU:MP’s aspiration to support children and young people to grow-up to be healthy, confident, skilled young people who are empowered and valued members of society in Bradford.

Why do we do what we do? Movement and play doesn’t only improve children’s physical health, but also their emotional wellbeing, meaning that children are more confident and happier.

In 2020, activity levels were lower in lockdown. Just 19% of children under 16 were doing an hour or more of physical activity on a typical day. Most worryingly, around 1 in 14 children, aged 7 to 1, said they were doing nothing to stay active. In 2021, latest figures show children are more likely to be obese when they leave Bradford’s primary schools, than they were a decade ago. NHS Digital data shows 28% of Year 6 pupils in Bradford were classed as obese in 2019 to 2020, up from 20% in 2009 to 2010.

It is more important than ever, to help support and encourage our Bradford families and children (aged 5 to 14) to Move and Play more!

“Our lives have changed since we've seen and taken part in JU:MP Outdoors. I started my own walking group in December, and now we have a network of 10 of us on a WhatsApp group, that walk together with our kids.” Parent, Bradford

How can I get involved?

We wouldn’t be able to do what we do best without the help of children, young people and their family members, who help to shape many areas of our work.

JU:MP parents, carers and family members
From taking part in focus groups and local campaigns to joining local community groups and events (from walking groups to litter picking) there’s something for everyone to get involved with!

JU:MP children and young people
From taking part in focus groups and local campaigns to leading activities for JU:MP School Fun Days there’s plenty for the kids to get involved with!

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30 October 2024

New Strategic Director for Physical Activity joins Active Bradford and JU:MP

Active Bradford is delighted to announce the appointment of Sam Bacon as the Strategic Director for Physical Activity. With a background in both charity campaigning and senior-level political roles, Sam brings a wealth of experience that will shape the future…

30 September 2024

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19 August 2024

JU:MP Engages Local Residents at BiBBS Programme Finale

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