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Keepy uppy football

Keepy Uppy Football

Don’t let that ball drop!

Let's get alive and kicking!

  • Roll up some socks or get a toilet roll or a ball
  • See how many times you can keep the 'ball' up in the air with your feet (or hands!)
  • You could share videos of professional footballers who have been doing this
Make sure you have enough space to move

You can see how many times you can keep the 'ball' in the air with someone else in your family!

More activities to try

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Can you get points and rewards for your App?

  • Suitable for:
    9 to 14
  • Takes:
    20 to 40 minutes


Can you win?

  • Suitable for:
    All ages
  • Takes:
    20 to 40 minutes

Household circuits

Can you complete all the activities?

  • Suitable for:
    All ages
  • Takes:
    20 to 40 minutes