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Activity swapper

Spin the wheel to find a simple screen time swap.

Spin the wheel to find a simple screen time swap.

JUMP Screen Off Life On journey illustration
  • 60 minutes of being on your phone
  • 20 minutes of watching television
  • 30 minutes of being on any screen
  • 20 minutes of watching television
  • 40 minutes of playing on a computer
  • 30 minutes of being on your phone
  • 40 minutes of playing on a computer
  • 20 minutes of watching television
  • 60 minutes of being on your phone
  • 30 minutes of being on any screen
  • A walk to the park with your family or a friend
  • Something fun in your garden like frisbee or tag
  • A bike or scoot around your local park or playground
  • Something fun in your room like dancing to music or doing a headstand
  • Your favourite game out on the street
  • A game of football in your local park with friends
  • A game of cricket or tennis with friends or family
  • Something fun with your family like homemade table tennis
  • Something you’ve not tried yet like skateboarding or going on a bike ride with friends or family
  • Skipping in your home, garden or local park
JUMP Screen Off Life On journey illustration