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JU:MP fun day illustrations

Wall Ball

Can you complete all the activities?

Go for it!

  • Throw a ball against the wall and catch it, with an added challenge each time!
  • Throw and catch it x 6
  • Throw let it bounce and catch it x 5
  • Throw the ball under your leg and catch it x 4
  • Throw a ball clap and catch it x 3
  • Bounce it on the floor to the wall and catch x 2
  • Throw the ball turn around and catch it x 1
Be sure to find a suitable and safe place to play like your street or in the park

You must complete each step without dropping it before moving on!

More activities to try

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Can you get points and rewards for your App?

  • Suitable for:
    9 to 14
  • Takes:
    20 to 40 minutes


Can you win?

  • Suitable for:
    All ages
  • Takes:
    20 to 40 minutes

Household circuits

Can you complete all the activities?

  • Suitable for:
    All ages
  • Takes:
    20 to 40 minutes